So it was time for the annual You're a Doll Banquet at church. We heard a message from
Micca Campbell. She is with Proverbs 31 Ministries. We heard some good music.
Our very own Diva who hangs out with Sandy Patti helped lead us in worship. And we got to sit at a beautiful table.
Here are a few pics from the evening...
Oh look, it's our Hostess. This is her being all hostessy. I remember the first time I ate dinner at her house. It was a Tupperware party. She served me a full course dinner on china in the formal dining room. For a Tupperware party. If you call and tell me that you're having a Tupperware, jewelry, Southern Living party and you plan to serve me a full meal on china...I will be there and I will be your forever friend. No china, no RSVP. Sorry, I'm spoiled now. When you see the pictures below you will see that it's really not my fault. I blame it on Hostess.

Here is our place setting close up. Love the pink/lime/black combo. Notice I said lime and not green. I'm all up with the Southern Living color talk. They use words like wedgewood(blue), saffron(yellow), mandarin(orange)in their magazine articles. (My favorite part in Steel Magnolias is when Shelby tells everyone the names of her wedding colors. First person to name the colors gets a prize.)

Hostess bought us all a ticket and didn't let us lift a finger. Oh, wait, I take that back...she made us carry our dirty dishes to the truck. Just throw it all in the back of the truck she said. No worries, no stress. I'm not sure but some people might be stressed out by this happy, go lucky, handling of the glassware. I'm just sayin'. Not Hostess. Hostess was still happy. Here we all are with Hostess.
Nicole, Shelley, Hostess, Andrea, CoolShelleyT, Big Nanny, Robyn, Diva

Thank you Hostess for a wonderful evening!
For your viewing pleasure...a few pics of some of the other tables...
This table was done in honor of a lady at our church who was diagnosed with breast cancer this time last year. She's doing great now and her friends did a breast cancer awareness table for her as a surprise. She cried big time. Very sweet.

This table was done by Kyla and Tonya. Love this shade of blue with the black. Very pretty.

This table was done by Chris & Sandy. Love the little stones you did as favors. Love those red chargers. They really add a special touch;)

Thanks AJ for planning a great event for the women of our church. If you're reading this you should turn the computer off and go take a nap.