Take a good look...

If you saw me yesterday or today, you know that I didn't do any fancy photoshop work with this picture. Those are my real zits.
I took this picture this morning. My face looks like a "before" picture for Stridex/Clearisal/Accutane/Proactive. I'm not very happy about it.
Long story short, I got ready in our other bathroom one day this week and I used a tube of face wash that was already in that shower...BIG MISTAKE! I didn't notice anything on Monday but by Tuesday afternoon I could literally feel the zits erupting all over my face. By Wednesday morning my face was raw and irritated. Then I put some concealer on top of the comet sized cratar on my forehead and that(sarcasm) made(sarcasm) it(sarcasm) so(sarcasm) much (sarcasm) better.
Stay with me here because I am so going to make this a devotional...
I have issues with pride. Yep, pride.
You see, here lately, I've felt pretty proud of my good skin. Over the last few years I've had severe oily skin and many breakouts. About six months ago I discovered a new face product and it has changed my skin dramatically. No more oil, minimal zits and smooth skin...I was the "after" picture. And people noticed. Just like I wanted them too.
When I was 18 years old, I worked at a camera store and the owner's wife would stop by every now and again and she would always comment on my fabulous porcelain skin. Did you just hear that...my skin was FAB-u-lous. (Insert Sharpay singing here.) At that time, I didn't think having porcelain skin was all that big a deal and often sat outside in the sun...FACE UP WITHOUT ANY SUNSCREEN! There is no possible way that I could do that now because I have a friend named Tracey that is always there to offer me an assortment of appropriate sunscreen protection to keep my skin porcelain and cancer free. And those of you that have seen me the day after an Easter egg hunt, know what happens when I take my sunscreen responsibilities into my own hands...can anyone say farmer tan with a sleeveless Easter dress.
Anyhoo, here I am with a face full of zits. And my issue with pride just doesn't erupt on my face, it erupts into all areas of my life. And from what I understand...God isn't too fond of it. The pride. He mentions it like 49 times in the Bible so I would assume that if God says something that many times...I should make a note of it. Note taken. So I said to God this morning...
God, if you want me to be humble and show my zitty face to the www and tell them about my stinken pride, then I'm going to need you to confirm it...
Excuse me while I go check my email...
Open the only email in my inbox and read:
“To the faithful you show yourself faithful; to those with integrity you show integrity. To the pure you show yourself pure, but to the wicked you show yourself hostile. You rescue the humble, but you humiliate the proud” (Psalm 18:25-27).
So He's going to rescue me...maybe He'll use you. Got any quick cures for acne? Got any pride?
And if you leave me a comment that says, "Oh, it's not that bad." You'll be gettin' a verse about lying in your inbox.