Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

For those inquiring minds that want to know: We were on our way into Atlanta's World of Coke when we spotted this Royal Carribean give a way booth. They give you each a mesh bag and you have to go in and try to spell Royal Carribean. Not all of the balls have letters. It was a difficult task and needless to say, we were not winners.

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Alicia (dna) said...

What's up? Are you searching for hidden money?

kari said...

I'm really interested in the words that go with these pictures.

Jessica said...

Hmm, you've got us curious for sure. What are y'all doing??

Shawn said...

Umm, WHY is this the first time we are hearing about this? You got in a booth and had to scurry around for letters and Lawnmower Man did it too? We are going to have to revisit this with all the gang present.