Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Preferred by teachers and CraftiMamas

I'm not sure if you've heard or not but I'M GOING TO AFRICA IN 28 SLEEPS!  I know that I haven't blogged about Africa much because I've just been too busy with work, doing fundraisers, cooking a Thanksgiving meal and getting my crafts ready for Africa.  Yes, I'm the crafts leader for this trip so I've been trying to get all that in order.  When I signed up for this crafts assignment, I thought I would load up some fun foam and a glue stick and we'd be good. Wrong...crafts x 1000!  CraftiMama was in town last week and helped me get some of my things organized.

Anyhoo, one of the things that we want to do is give every child at Amazima Ministries a box of crayons.  When we first talked about this, we tossed around the idea of getting a restaurant to donate some of those little packs of crayons.  Then we thought that maybe we could buy a bulk box of crayons and put them in ziplocs but then we were concerned about breakage.  Sumer & Alicia kept saying wouldn't it be nice if each child had their own box of crayons.  Doesn't everyone like to have their own brand new box of crayons?  And then I talked to my CraftiMama and she said nothing colors like a Crayola crayon and shouldn't the kids in Africa get a good box of crayons.

So, we're collecting crayons.  They must be the 8 count size boxes because of weight restrictions.  We've collected over 300 boxes already and I'm trying to get to 500.  I'm not asking you to buy 100 boxes but if you're at the Target, the Kroger, the Wal-mart, the Hobby Lobby, the Michael's, the get the picture.  Pick up a box or two and send them my way!

Let me know if you need my address.  Or you can drop them off by the preschool welcome desk at church.  Thanks!!!

P.S.  Your eyes did not fail you...I cooked most of the Thanksgiving meal.

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jam'n bell said...

Can I just give you some $??? I always forget to get them when I'm at Target.

Alli said...

Obviously, this doesn't add up to the extra 200 you need, but when you are counting, I am about to put 30 in the mail to Sumer. I cleaned out my 2 local Walmarts and the area Target.

Anonymous said...

Can I say that while I'm going to be in Africa a little ahead of you, I'm a tad bit jealous that you'll be getting to hang with the amazing Katie, and I won't?? Anyhow, from your countdown, it appears that you'll be arriving the day I'm leaving, except we'll be on the opposite side of the continent. :) I just wanted to wish you the very best and God speed to you and your group. May God richly bless you and all the lives you encounter while there. Merry Christmas! I'll be thinking of you guys when I'm celebrating Christmas with the villagers! I'm so excited I think I'm going to bust! :) May God use us in a mighty way.

Heather T