Last night, I decided to take a look at the old sitemeter. For those of you not familiar with
Sitemeter, it's a free website that you hook up to your blog and you can see the traffic that your blog receives each day.
When I looked at the number of visits that I had yesterday, I thought it seemed a little higher than the last time I looked. One of my favorite things to do is figure out how someone got to this here blog. Now most people that visit, visit here because they are related to me, friends with me, attend church with me, etc. I also think I have about two blog readers that I've never met in real life. Yes, two. Obviously, I'm right up there with those famous southern bloggers,
Big &
Anyhoo, when I look at the Sitemeter, I can see the specific words people put in their google search engine and how they randomly landed here. So I started to look at all the "referrals" that said "google"...and the specific words that were entered. And I began to see a pattern and maybe an explanation for the additional visits. Please note that I have bold printed the obvious...
Referring URL Search Engine
Search Words oprah's nanny pot Visit Entry Page http://bignannyshous...not-for-sissies.html Visit Exit Page http://bignannyshous...not-for-sissies.html Out Click Time Zone UTC-8:00 Visitor's Time May 12 2009 4:54:45 pm Visit Number 26,028
Referring URL nanny pots&meta= Search Engine
Search Words oprah show nanny pots Visit Entry Page http://bignannyshous...not-for-sissies.html Visit Exit Page Out Click Time Zone UTC-5:00 Visitor's Time May 12 2009 6:55:09 pm Visit Number 26,017
Referring URL nanny pot Search Engine
Search Words oprah nanny pot Visit Entry Page http://bignannyshous...not-for-sissies.html Visit Exit Page http://bignannyshous...not-for-sissies.html Out Click Time Zone UTC-8:00 Visitor's Time May 12 2009 1:57:13 pm Visit Number 26,008
Referring URL Search Engine
Search Words dr. oz nanny pot Visit Entry Page http://bignannyshous...not-for-sissies.html Visit Exit Page http://bignannyshous...not-for-sissies.html Out Click Time Zone UTC-8:00 Visitor's Time May 12 2009 9:55:09 am Visit Number 25,984
Now, if you're a frequent flyer on this blog, you'll remember that I shared about my catastrophic experiences with the Neti-pot, back in January. I also know that yesterday, Oprah, had Dr. Oz on her show. I don't watch Oprah anymore, but we were eating dinner at the Buffalo Wild Wings during the 4 p.m. hour and they had it playing on one of the televisions. I couldn't hear it, but I could see that it was "Dr. Oz" day. I had no idea that they were talking about me.
And again, I will bold print the obvious...
They heard my story and now, they've renamed the Neti-pot, "the Nanny Pot" and I didn't even know it. I'm really quite shocked that they didn't call me to be on the show?
Please don't be jealous, some of us know from an early age that we are going to have a life of fame and notoriety. The question is...Do you think anyone wanted to try the "Nanny Pot" after reading my story?
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