Hey, I've got text.
Mmmm. Who is that from? I've never gotten a text from that number. Did that come from my mother's phone? CraftiMama has the text messaging??
Yes, it's true. CraftiMama has text messaging. And for those that think her blog comments are funny, then you can only imagine the text that she sends me. I just recently added a text messaging package to my phone. I got the smallest plan they had because I really don't send text to many people so I didn't think I would need any more than the 200 text for $5 plan.
Guess what? CraftiMama didn't get that plan. She has like 10,000 text per month. Can anyone send 10,000 text in one month? I asked her why she got so many and she said that my Dad didn't want to worry about her going over:) Seriously? We really have to worry about CraftiMama sending out too many text in one month?
Well, maybe we do. Just this week I've received many a text message from CraftiMama but this one was my favorite...
We have swine flu in Woodhaven.
It's just like getting text messages from the Centers for Disease Control.
And then another one of my favorite messages was when I sent her a text telling her that I sold my couch on Craigslist. Her reply...
Well, I hope you didn't sell it to that guy that they keep showing on the FOX News.
And then the big drama came when I told the Medium Nanny that Mamaw just got text messaging and one of those phones with a keyboard. Her response...
Are you kidding me? Mamaw has text messaging and a cool phone?
Why yes, why yes she does, and she can send 10,000 text per month. Maybe when you turn 60, you can get you a cool phone too.
So, the question of the day is? Are your texting? Are your parents texting you?
That is absolutely hilarious! I do have "the text messaging" on my phone, and I enjoy using it. I have texted my dad twice. I've never texted my mom. I'm not sure she knows how to check them. We need to work on keeping her phone ON so that people can reach her first. Maybe then we'll move to texting.
This is sad (and I don't know why I am admitting it on here for everyone to see--I mean, everyone reads Big Nanny's blog), but I have no clue how to text. That's how tech-phobic I am! I think I was the last person on earth to learn how to load new contacts into my phone (I used to have Rob do it for me). That being said, you can imagine that my parents don't text either. Alright, I'm waiting for some people to "boo" me.
texting is great when your child is under lock down at school and they're not supposed to talk on their cell.
So funny. Love me a good Mamaw story. I've got to know the background on the Fox news guy.
And yes, I text...but minimally. I don't have one of those fancy keyboard phones, so pressing each button 3-4 times for one letter takes up quite a bit of time.
I am very much against the text messaging. Mainly because I don't have a cool phone and can't do it properly.
And, I'm having a hard enough time adjusting to my mother being on Facebook. If she starts texting, I'll go over the edge.
My dad still can't figure out how to answer call waiting on the land line so texting on the cell phone he doesn't own is out of the question.
Yeah. My mom probably does have texting on her phone but here I am with no texting on mine. I will also admit I have no idea how to either and it down right scares me that my daughter may eventually learn to do this before I do. I will have to learn then I guess!
speaking of texting, you need to increase my plan. not that i'm the one paying for it, but it's an idea.
I got a text message several weeks ago on a Sunday Morning that STILL has me laughing. Mom and Dad were supposed to be leaving later that day to fly to FL for a business trip and their flight was canceled. Because I deal with travel for work, they thought I could help, so Mom sent a text to me that said, and I quote, "Call ASAP. Having fight problems!" Let me just tell you, that will get your morning started and fast! Mom and Dad TEXTING because they're having "fight" problems????????? Needless to say, I returned the text with a CALL IMMEDIATELY! Spelling and proofreading have never been one of Mom's strengths...
I love it! Yes, my husband added my mom and myself simultaneously, because he is so very brilliant like that. We were up and running UNTIL last Sunday. I told her to text me if they went to my grandma's church and she said she wasn't sure if she remembered how!?! No fear, I did receive one.
Increase your daughter's plan. Then she can share stories about her mom's texts and misspelled words.
Yes I am texting and I love it! Yes ange you need to up yours!
And fyi she thought lol stood for lot of love that's so funny!!
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