1.She doesn’t think that she is blonde. I like to tell her that she is dishwater brownish-blonde. She feels the need to be blonde and will have blonde highlights two years from today. That will be October 6, 2010, when she turns 13.
2. She is obsessed with her hair. I did not make her this way. She was born this way.
3. She only wanted clothes from Justice for her birthday. She went to their website and printed pictures of the clothes that she liked and cut them into tiny squares. She then made a little paper pouch that said: Birthday Wish List. It was very little girl like and it was very helpful all at the same time. I really wanted to buy her a toy too because that would make her still seem like a child and not the "tween" that she is. She is constantly saying that she wants/needs/wishes for a cell phone. Well, that ain’t happenin’ around here. And yes, she has told me many times that everyone in the fifth-grade-free-world has a phone except her. So I compromised…I got her a house phone from Justice, it's pink and has cute little words that say friends, fun and BFF. Totally cute. Totally fun. So she can plug it in the wall in her bedroom and talk away. I hope there is a phone jack in her bedroom??? Guess I should have checked on that.
4. She is a little sassy and likes to organize things. Last week her Sunday school teacher said that she likes to run the show. Hmmmm…I don’t know where she gets it from???
5. She gets her feelings hurt very easily.
6. She was born at 5:27 p.m. and weighed 8 pounds, 4 ounces. I had to have her surgically removed from my body because the Friday night before she was born, she needed to do a somersault. The doctor offered to insert hands and turn her back...I politely declined. He also offered me an attempt at a breach delivery...I politely declined. She has been doing flips ever since. Literally, she is always cartwheeling, somersaulting, hand springing, you name it...she's a flipper.
7. Her favorite dinner is egg casserole.
8. Her favorite sweet snack is Little Debbie Nutty Bars.
9. She has beautiful blue eyes. I'm still shocked that she has blue eyes.
10. She wanted a carrot cake for her birthday. Lawnmower Man is making it right now. I'm still mourning the loss that I will not be eating cake today. I don't believe in adding vegetables to a cake. It goes against everything I believe in.
11. Lawnmower Man is also making fried oreo cookies for her school birthday treat per her request. This will help me get over not having any cake.
Happy Birthday, Lil'Nanny! I love you!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!! We love you and you and Selah can be the "Non-Cell Phone Using" Friends together. You can make fun of the kids that have cell phones and say how much cooler it is to have a Justice phone in your room! :) Have a great day!
She's sassy and likes organizing...are you sure she's your daughter? Doesn't sound like you one bit! ;)
I remember when you found out you were pregnant with her. WOW! By the time she gets her highlights, Mikel will be graduating from high school!! YIKES! Enjoy the day...and I LOVE carrot cake! Anytime you can take vegetables and work those kinds of wonders with them---I'm all for it!
Happy Birthday LN!
Tell her Happy Birthday from us!
Awwww, Lil Nanny, happy birthday!
Enjoy that carrot cake, and what a great strategy to pick a cake that some people don't like. More for you, birthday girl!!
Happy Birthday Brianna!
You are beautiful!
I've arrived in blogville!! Happy Birthday Little Nanny! You are a beautiful and caring girl. Thanks for always being so sweet to my little girl and for being a wonderful role model for her. She is always wondering "what Little Nanny is doing"
Happy B'day LN!!! Love you!!
Happy Birthday LN I remember when you did that flip I saw that across the room on moms tummy. I can't imagine you wanting a
all the drama Misty and mom put you thru. You were such a beautiful baby but you just didn't want those froo froo dresses we wanted to put you in. You will love AM hair she is really blonde.Love you mamaw
I have checked your blog a couple of times now, Big Nanny, expecting you to have updated it. Of course -you haven't.
But can I just say that everytime I pull it up and see that face? I smile.
11 looks sweet and innocent. With really really great skin.
I'm glad you're our Preschool Director...cuz you done good, girl.
How exactly do you make fried oreos? They sound sinfully delicious!
Cute post and Thanks,
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