to read the details and tell them congrats.
Won't it be fun for her to have lots of comments when she gets home.
So I went to the hospital to see this new little guy.
And I said to his mom, "I know this is your baby and all but I came all the way up here to see you and I will need to put a picture of us on my blog."
This is Big Nanny's House after all.
And she let me. She's good like that.
Sometimes the best things in life are surprises:)
Isn't he precious? I have been thinking of her so much. I'm glad he's finally here.
By the way...you look so natural with that baby in your hands. You ought to think about a career in baby-handling. Like maybe working at a preschool, or children's home, or church. Oh, wait. Lord no, don't do a church. They don't pay anything and you miss hearing your favorite soloists sing on Sunday mornings.
Don't worry - I'll think of something for you.
Teresa Wood
Thank you Big Nanny for coming to see Jonas and for showing him off on your very popular blog! :) He feels very special!
I personally think it's a bad idea for you to work with small children. You look all sweet and kind in this picture but I happen to know you can be kind of bossy and opinionated. Of course it makes people like me love you (being like-minded) but little kids? Not so much.
Melissa Lee
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