So we got up at the crack of dawn because when you work at a church that does 3 services and 3 Sunday schools, you get up at the crack of dawn. Lawnmower Man presented me with an Easter present. I think he knew that I was going to have a long day on my feet and my piggies were going to need some R&R. Since I refuse to wear sensible shoes and all. Here is a picture of the Lil'Nanny and I in our Easter finery and our crazy tall, almost matching shoes.

Anyway, about Lil'Nanny's shoes. She is 10 years old and can now wear a ladies size and she is thrilled about it. I wasn't crazy about the size of the heel, but then I remembered the Easter my mother made me wear the white dress with matching parasol and mary janes. I really wanted to wear the fabulous Dyna Kids heels that I got from Kmart. She cut me a deal and said that I had to wear the mary janes for Sunday morning and I could wear the Dyna Kids on Sunday night. Since I don't want Lil'Nanny to be blogging about me in 15 years...I decided to let her wear the heels.

And here is Medium Nanny in her Easter finery that wasn't very Eastery. She wore pantyhose and boots because she is a sensible person and did not want to be cold. I thought the dress was very cute and we found it at Old Navy for 5.99. I found it on the rack and thought it would be perfect for her. I went to find her in the store and she was carrying the exact same dress and had already tried it on. I love it when that happens. She'a a teenager and we rarely have the same opinions on clothing. I'm not going to post the picture of Lawnmower Man because we all know that he wore a striped shirt. He wears some form of a striped shirt every Sunday.
So we had a wonderful Sunday at church. At least it was a wonderful Sunday for me. And you might ask, what makes a wonderful Sunday for you? Well, #1 it was resurrection Sunday and I love this Sunday. I was having happy thoughts knowing that my Dad was probably walking around in his wing tips, waiting on my mom to get ready and he was most likely trying to sing...Up from the grave He arose! Every Easter of my childhood I have heard him sing this song on this day and I'm sure this Easter was no exception. The man is not able to carry a tune in a bucket and that makes it all the sweeter. #2 Everyone showed up for their worship care duties! I had plenty of help for all of our visiting preschoolers. I got to the service almost on time and was able to hear Radke sing one of my favorite songs. Big shout out to the adult ss classes that helped pull this off.
After church, we came home and Lawnmower made us a ham dinner. I don't cook on Sundays. (or Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays or Fridays.)(And most Saturdays.) Then I settled into the big, comfy couch for a long nap.
Around 8 o'clock that night I decided that I should work on a project. My laundry room. It all started a few days earlier when I was browsing around Lisa's website and I found this. She just doesn't bring you a devotion, she gives you handy- dandy household tips too! You see I have a love of the plastic boxes myself. I also have my own little brand of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. You see when I see pictures with organizational inspires me to clean. I guess that's why she calls it Interior Inspirations. It all started years ago when I first got my hands on one of these. Lets just say that I've labeled a few things around the house. Some people make fun of me.
So, I started wiping, moving, sorting and then I had to kill the dust bunnies that had made a lovely home in my laundry room. My cabinets don't look like the ones above but they will and they will soon. Because I have the obsessive disorder and we don't have enough money to buy the amount of therapy that I need.
P.S. Radke, I'm back on the pot. I hope I can keep my good blogging name. You might want to remember that I have a picture of you and that when I run out of material I will be forced to use.
I need you to bring plastic and kill the dust rabbits in the back room you know the one
Hey I'm back I forgot to put Andrea up for my screensaver for the week last week it was Brianna's
strike a pose.oh and by the way bring a shovel noooooooooooo not for the room for the snow again
please Lord let there be school
love you
I see that you manage to work me into almost every one of your post as well. Which isn't saying much since you hardly every post.
I love your cute dress and Easter party shoes. And I would never make fun of your OCD habit. It makes perfect sense to label your saran wrap drawer. You never know when you'll completely forget what it looks like and need a label to help identify it. Makes perfect sense to me.
Ok, I was feeling good about all my cleaning and arranging the last two weeks and now I see, I am not at your level at all. Maybe I can hire you to come organize my house.
I snot giggled at the stripped shirt comment...
I need a good label maker... what in your experience do you recommend?
I am amazed at all your talents.
I would like to be second in line after NC for any organization consultations that you decide to do! :-)
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