Thursday, April 07, 2011


Many of you know that I have committed to run walk the Country Music Half Marathon this year. Yeah, I'm not sure what got into me. One day the thought crossed my mind that I should challenge my almost 40 self with some sort of fitness goal this year and the thought immediately left my mind within 30-40 it should have. But then...I logged on to my Facebook account and noticed that my friend Alicia had posted that she was running in the marathon. And then I got all commenty and left a comment that said...

I was thinking about doing that too!

And before I knew it I had an email from Alicia in my inbox with all of the registration information and yes, we could do this together.

And let this here be a handy dandy reminder that the Facebook can get you into all kinds of trouble because I'm now signed up to run walk...

The country music marathon!

But in true Big Nanny fashion, I kept this on the DL because I knew what my people would say...

The first comment comes from my assistant Awesome Amber after finding the training plan printed out on the office copier...who printed this out??? who's running a marathon???? are you running a marathon??? Note to self: If you print anything at the office, you better run and get it off the copier ASAP!

The second comment arrived via Facebook from the one and only Teresa Wood...

I don't even know who you are anymore? Did you get malaria on your trip or something?

The third comment arrived in a room full of friends when someone mentioned that I was running a marathon. It came from Checkers: You're running a marathon? How come I didn't know about this? It's like you're cheating on us with exercise???

But now the cats out of the bag and everyone wants to know the status of my training. Like how far are you on the training? How's it going? What are you up to? How many miles can you do? I'm just going to let everyone know right now that I'm not a professional marathoner and I don't know the answer to any of those questions.

Alicia and I have discussed it, and we only have one goal. Here it is...

To not send a text to each other at 5:55 a.m. with some lame excuse that says we can't go to the rec center. That's the goal. So far, we're making the goal!