Since I've got the blog fired up and running, I will share with you a few things about my week:
CraftiMama, Wingtips, Tammy Faye, Josiah(my sister's 2 year old) and Dylan(my brother's 9 year old) are going to be here tomorrow. We will be having ThanksChristmas. Which means we have Christmas with them during Thanksgiving. We've done this for many years and it works. It's not really ThanksChristmas if I don't put up the tree so I've got to get that done ASAP. I mentioned to some friends that I was going to try this new green bean recipe and a hush fell over the table. It was then followed by this statement, "Are you sure you want to try out a new recipe on Thanksgiving? Do you really think that's a good idea? Remember what happened the last time." By the end of the conversation I was given a dumbed down crock pot version of the green bean recipe. I'm amazed at the people that have complete confidence to leave me in a building with hundreds of small children but they think I can't pull together a can of beans in a pan. I'm determined, it will happen, I will take pictures, it will be good. Lawnmower Man is in charge of the turkey...he's not usually willing to put a $25 dollar bird in my hands.
CraftiMama, Tammy Faye and I usually hit the stores the day after Thanksgiving. It's been a tradition for many years. I don't know if I have it in me this year. Does anyone else do this?
The Medium Nanny is coming home on Wednesday. We haven't seen her in over a month. She seems to be living her own little life in collegeville. Lawnmower Man told her we would take her straight to Pancho's for lunch. After the trip to Pancho's, she will need to go to Target because she hasn't been home in a month, which means, she hasn't been in a Target for a month. She may have a bad case of the shakes. She loves Target and Pancho's...those are a few of her favorite things.
Well, back to my reason for posting. The mascara. Y'all (I know y'all love it when I go southern on you) are not really that opinionated nor do you really have strong feelings about your mascara brand and that concerns me. As it should. You randomly pick up a orange tube of mascara because Queen Latifah recommends it. Really? And most of you wear brown mascara because your mother told you not to wear black. Did the conversation go like this? Only streetwalkers wear black mascara. That's what my mother always said about red nail polish. She never mentioned anything about the black mascara. Black mascara is the new brown.
And the winner is...